Reid Harward

Reid Harward
Titles and Organizations

Adjunct Faculty, School of Art, CVPA

Contact Information

Campus: Fairfax
Building: 2050 Art and Design Building; MSN: 1C3
Tel: 703-993-8898


Reid Harward is a studio artist and software developer, working with ceramics, print, and digital media. Reid has a BA from Berea College, and a MA from West Virginia University in English Literature, with a focus on text analysis, and epoetry. Reid has presented his work at several conferences on epoetry organized by SUNY-Buffalo and West Virginia University’s Center for Literary Computing. Reid has a BFA in Electronic Media from West Virginia University. Reid has been involved as a project manager and software developer, focusing on the development of several web applications that involve citizen journalism.

A recent web application he has made is built around an algorithm that fetches and searches YouTube closed captions, and allows users the ability to cue videos to specific spots from these search results. The creation of tech tools such as this lie at the heart of his artistic practice. Currently obsessed with full-stack and open-source web development, Reid has worked with several companies developing cloud-based applications for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. One such project involved the construction of a control panel for municipal water management. Another project is a site that combines video, maps, and geospatial location to provide a platform for storytelling and exploring new ways of working with narrative and place.

Prior to working as an adjunct for George Mason University, Reid taught print, web design, animation, and graphic design at Alderson Broaddus University. In early 2018, Reid founded a business called Print and Code with the intention of teaching coding skills to displaced workers in extractive industries such as coal mining. Print and Code, a combination of screen-printing studio and tech startup space, captures an immersive approach to media production.

Links to work online:

GitHub repository:


  • MA, English Literature, West Virginia University
  • BA, Berea College

Specialist Areas:

  • Web Development
  • Data Visualization
  • W3
  • Text Analysis
  • NFTs
  • Internet of Things